Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13

Many of the social and cultural challenges we face today are a result of our being a fatherless Nation.  We believe that as the man goes, there goes the marriage, the family, the church, the community etc..  As a result of this, The Church in the Pines is committed to discipling its men to walk in their true identity, position and calling, as men of God and to equip them to be the spiritual leaders of their homes.   No matter if you’re a new follower of Christ or have been serving the Lord for years, you belong!  We will encourage one another and grow together as we learn and apply the truth of God’s Word into our individual lives.

Men's Groups


Join us as we dig into the Word and talk about how it applies to us in our daily lives.
This is a safe place to share and see how God changes and transforms our lives as we walk it out in our understanding of His Truths.
Thursday Mornings 6:30-7:30 AM
Meet in the new building in Rm.123
Lead by Pastor Jay

If you want more info or need prayer fill out form below...