Children's Church

Available from 10:30 (after worship)-11:30am

Ages 4-12

Here at The Church in the Pines we are dedicated to loving all the little ones who come each Sunday during 2nd service.
We feel that family is important  and want your children to be a part of spending time together as much as possible during service.
Your children will worship in the sanctuary with us and then be dismissed with you to  walk them over to the children's wing.
They will join back in for our communion time at the end of service. It is so beautiful to see families joining together to take part in remembering Jesus together!

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me..."

Matthew 19:14

God gifted children with innocence and transparency. They have a God-gifted openness to His Spirit and absorb His Word with striking ease. At The Church in the Pines, we don't just entertain children, they cooperate with God in prayer and learning from the Bible. They learn that God is Real, God is Here, God is Truth and God is Love. The Bible is taught as God-breathed truth. Bible stories are lessons in real history where God interacts with humanity He loves and redeems.
 Children are invited to say, "Yes!" to Jesus!

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